

A Hands-On History of Domestic Science | Wednesdays 5:30pm-7:30pm starting April 2nd
From the MIT Women’s Laboratory of the 1800s to the “tradwives” of today, we’ll explore the intersections of science, gender, and the domestic sphere in American culture. Join us for experiments, discussion, and a deep dive into forgotten history.Domestic Science will take place Wednesdays April 2, 9, & 16, from 5:30 to 7:30pm.

Registration includes a small materials fee of $30 and space is limited.

E-mail Lina Kapp at


Fab Friday: Recycled Arts | Fridays 2:10pm-4:00pm starting Jan 10th, Open to all Middle School students
Learn how to properly dumpster dive, try your hand at wearable art, make ceramics, and build a visual art piece out of totally recycled materials. Students will meet Sitka Sound Science Center and Youth Advocates of Sitka in the Blatchley Commons afterschool for a ride to the Science Center. Pick up is at 4 pm at the Science Center. Fab Friday runs on Fridays when school is in session.
E-mail Maia Carter at”


Game Builders | Mondays 3:30pm-5:00pm starting Jan 27th, Open to all Middle School students
Think you have what it takes to create the next hit game? Play while you learn! Explore a variety of game types and build a game that will be played at one of our summer camps. Transportation from Blatchley and snacks are provided.
E-mail Maia Carter at”


Steam Team | Thursdays 2:45pm-5:00pm starting Jan 30th, Open to 4th & 5th grade students
Study the waters where you live! Learn how to collect, analyze, and present data about the streams and rivers in Sitka. Transportation to Keet and snacks are provided.
E-mail Maia Carter at”
Sitka Sprouts | Every Tuesday throughout the school year from 10:30 to 11:30am

Sprouts are on summer break and will resume in the Fall, check back soon for updates.

  • Plant the Seeds of Science in the next generation! Sprouts is a free, weekly preschool program that takes place every Tuesday morning from 10:30 – 11:30am at the Sitka Sound Science Center during the fall, winter, and spring months. This program is designed for children ages 3-5 years old and their parents. Each session begins with a story followed by a variety of hands-on crafts and activities related to the theme of the story. There is a new theme every week, so no worries if you miss a session. No registration is necessary, just stop on by!
  • Reach out to Kari Paustian with questions



Southeast Alaska Landslide Information and Preparedness Monthly Hangout

The Southeast Alaska Landslide Information and Preparedness Partnership brings communities and governments together to reduce the risk of landslides to the people and resources of Southeast Alaska through coordinated research, mitigation, communication, outreach, and response. This group meets on the last Thursday of every month (unless otherwise noted) from 8-9am AKST and is an opportunity to learn from ongoing efforts, forge new partnerships, and build coordination across the region.

Find the Teams meeting link here Meeting ID: 213 957 495 547 Passcode: p57DEG

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